zzy Osbourne, the only mortal to openly challenge the Lich King’s claim to the title “Prince of Darkness” and survive, will take the stage LIVE at Anaheim Convention Center to rock the closing ceremonies of BlizzCon 2009.
Although tickets to the convention sold out in minutes, you can still join this epic two-day event with the ‘BlizzCon Virtual Ticket’ Live Internet Stream. In addition to Ozzy’s live concert performance, the Virtual Ticket will include 18 hours of BlizzCon coverage and the BlizzCon 2009 exclusive in-game pet: Grunty the Murloc Marine.
Reserve Your BlizzCon Virtual Ticket & Murloc Marine Pet Now
Read the Press Release
Watch Ozzy's World of Warcraft Commercial
lizzard Entertainment will be attending gamescom 2009 in Cologne, Germany. We look forward to welcoming old friends and new to our booth, which will feature hands-on gameplay with our upcoming games. Our booth is open to the public from Thursday 20 August until Sunday 23 August.
You can find out more about what gamescom has to offer, and how to get there, at gamescom-cologne.com/.
Our recruiters will be at the booth ready to answer your questions about recruitment and working at Blizzard Entertainment. Blizzard Europe currently has numerous open positions in quality assurance, localization, customer support and other departments in our offices in Velizy, France (near Paris) and Cork, Ireland. We’re looking for Italian, Polish, Russian, German, French, Spanish and English speakers. Bring your CV along and talk to us about our employment opportunities.
n issue #30, the Blizzard Insider revealed an early chapter of Christie Golden's new novel, Arthas: Rise of the Lich King. That passage explores the lesser-known side of the Lich King and examines the man he was before he shattered the Frozen Throne.
Now we invite you to preview a much later chapter in the novel, a point when darkness and vengeance have only just begun to hold sway over the destiny of the young prince of Lordaeron.
Arthas: Rise of the Lich King chronicles the history and legacy of one of Warcraft's most iconic antiheroes. So read on, for soon the assault on Icecrown Citadel begins, and the ancient Lich King waits within, preparing for battle and reflecting on the choices made during his dark rise to power.
Preview Chapter 19
Order the Arthas: Rise of the Lich King Collectors' Edition Now
atch the protoss combat the zerg across a mineral-laden asteroid in this newly released StarCraft II battle report. Teeming packs of zerglings and squads of stoic zealots clash across a treacherous battlefield as each faction attempts to outflank its rival and cut off vital supply lines.
StarCraft II multiplayer is definitely heating up!
Featuring play-by-play commentary from the game's developers, the matchup shows many new tactical elements and strategies coming in the next installment of the StarCraft saga. Check out the exciting real-time-strategy combat of StarCraft II, and start drafting your battle plans today.
Watch StarCraft II Battle Report #3
he newest entry in the Diablo III bestiary documents the fallen, a race of gibbering imp-like creatures that once served as the personal servants of the demon Azmodan.
Although cowardly and disorganized, the fallen often gather around their tribal leaders, such as the powerful shamans and overseers, who can exert a degree of control over the teeming hordes of their lesser kindred. A group of fallen driven into a frenzied state by one or more of these elite units is far deadlier than a few imps left to their own devices…
Check out the newest addition to the ever-growing Diablo III bestiary, and learn about the habits, tactics, and characteristics of this volatile new foe.
Diablo III – The Fallen
ith the realase of World of Warcraft Content Patch 3.2 Call of the Crusade, final preparations begin for the ultimate assault on Icecrown Citadel. The Argent Tournament has opened its gates in the hopes of finding the heroes most capable of taking on the Lich King. Meanwhile, tensions between the Horde and Alliance have flared anew as both factions seek to control the natural resources recently discovered on the Isle of Conquest.
Check out the new features and content unleashed with with World of Warcraft’s latest content update:
he Battle.net Mobile Authenticator, an optional security tool to help prevent unauthorized Battle.net account access, is now available for a wide range of mobile phones and carriers in the United States and Europe. The Battle.net Mobile Authenticator is a mobile application that generates a one-time password to use in addition to your regular account ID and password when logging in to a Battle.net account or any merged World of Warcraft accounts.
Visit mobile.blizzard.com to purchase this application now. For more information on the Battle.net Mobile Authenticator, visit eu.battle.net/bma or check out the Battle.net Mobile Authenticator FAQ. Owners of either an iPhone or iPod touch can download this application free of charge.
ver wanted to check your raid schedule, look up a piece of PvP gear, or concoct a new talent spec while on the go? The new World of Warcraft Mobile Armory app for iPhone and iPod touch lets you access the official Armory database from anywhere you have a mobile connection, and features much of the same functionality as the Armory website.
The World of Warcraft Mobile Armory is available now as a free download from the App Store on iPhone and iPod touch or at www.itunes.com/appstore/.
For more information, visit eu.wowarmory.com/iphone.xml.

World of Warcraft Miniatures Game, Set #2: "Spoils of War" "Spoils of War," the follow-up set to the hit World of Warcraft Miniatures Game, is now in stores. It features 51 new figures to collect and battle, never-before-seen equipment cards to intensify gameplay, and new epics to chase, including Cairne Bloodhoof!
Head over to WoWMinis.com to find out more about the game. You can also sign up to receive updates, including sneak preview pictures of the minis, details about gameplay, and downloadable demos.
SteelSeries 5C Limited Edition (WotLK)
Now available from SteelSeries are the 5C Limited Edition gaming surfaces. With a specially designed surface, these mats provide a platform with consistent friction, glide, precision, and accuracy. Get one of these limited edition Frost Wyrm gaming surfaces now!
StarCraft II Cinematic Poster
Well, it's about time! The unforgettable image of Tychus Findlay from the StarCraft II cinematic can gaze out from your wall with this glossy poster. Measuring in at 40" x 27," this collectable belongs on the wall of any StarCraft fan. Get it now from the Blizzard Store!
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